# Introduction :- Adobe
page maker is a page composition software program developed by adobe
co-operation of U.S.A. It is used to publication for publishing books,
newspaper, card, certificate and much more.
To access page maker
F Go to start.
F Click on program. (displays a pad)
F Click on adobe . (displays a pad)
F Click on PageMaker.
F You will get a PageMaker's window.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on new (displays a box)
You should create a page.
F Click on ok.
Tool box :
a) Select tool :- This tool is used to select the object or matter.
b) text tool :- This tool is used to type the text.
c) Rotate tool :- This tool is used to rotate the selected matter.
d) Line tool :- This tool is used to draw a line.
e) Straight line tool :- This tool is used to draw a straight line.
f) Oval tool :- This tool is used to draw the oval.
g) Rectangular :- This tool is used to draw the rectangular.
h) Polygon tool :- This tool is used to draw the polygon.
i) Zoom tool :- This tool is used to enlarge and reduce the view size.
j) Hand tool :- This tool is used to move the page.
Control pallet
F You can enter the control pallet by pressing (ctrl+~) key.
a) You can change the font, font style, font size, leading, horizontal
scale for the font.(WORD CONTROL PALLE)
b) You can change wide, height and rotation for the object.(OBJECT CONTROL PALLET )
File menu
1) Recent publication :- It keeps our files, which is recently created or opened.
F You can open again.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on recent publication.
F Click on file.
2) Place (Ctrl+D) :- It is used to import an object or image from different location.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on place (displays a box)
F You should select an image from different location.
F Click on place.
3) Link Manage (Ctrl+Sift+D) :- It shows the link status of the placed object or image and you can change it same size.
F You should place the object and select it.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on Link Manage. (displays a box)
F Click on Info (Displays a box)
F You can select an image.
F Click on ok.
4) Document setup (Ctrl+Shift+P) :- It is used to re-set up a page.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on Document setup. (displays a box)
F You can re-set the page as your requirement.
F Click on ok.
5) Print Style :- This option is used to define in job in a name and you can direct print it.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on Print Style.
F Click on define. (displays a box)
F Click on new. (displays a box)
F You should type name.
F Click on ok.
6) Preference (Ctrl+K) :- You can used this option to set measurement unit, resolution, Type graph etc.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on Preference. (displays a box)
F You can set unit, resolution.
F Click on more. (displays a box)
F You can add or remove the type graph.
FClick on ok.
Edit menu
1) Paste multiple :- You can used this option to paste the copied matter according the number of copies.
F You should cut or copied the matter.
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on Paste multiple. (displays a box)
F You should give number in copies box.
F You can set horizontal, vertical off set.
F Click on ok.
2) Edit story :- It helps to you check the spelling and find or replace the text.
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on Edit story. (displays a box)
F Go to utility menu.
F Click on spelling and grammar. (displays a box)
F You can spelling and grammar by suggestion box.
F Click on edit layout from edit menu.
Lay out menu
1) Go to page (Alt+G) :- You can use this option to go to the specify page.
F Go to Layout menu.
F Click on Go to page. (displays a box)
F You should type number.
F Click on ok.
2) Insert page :- It is used to insert the page as your requirement.
F Go to layout menu.
F Click on Insert page (displays a box)
F You should give number.
F Click on ok.
3) Remove page :- You can used this option to remove the specify page.
F Go to layout menu.
F Click on Remove page. (displays a box)
F You should give number
F Click on ok.
4) Sort page :- This option is used to sort the page.
F Go to layout menu.
F Click on Sort menu. (displays a box)
F Click on option.
F You should click double facing page.
F Click on ok.
5) Go back (page down) :- You can used this option to go back te previous page.
6) Go forward (page up) :- You can used this option to go to next page.
F Go to layout menu.
F Click on Go forward.
7) Column Guide :- It helps you to make column on the page.
F Go to layout menu.
F Click on Column guide. (displays a box)
F You should give column number and space between two pages.
F Click on ok.
8) Column master Guide :- It is used to remove the column guide.
F You should set column guide.
F Go to layout menu.
F Click on Column master guide.
9) Auto flow :- It is used to flow the text automatically.
F Go to layout menu.
F You should tick mark on auto flow.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on place. (displays a box)
F You should choose the file of ms-word.
F Click on place.
Type menu
1) Font :- It is used to change the fonts.
2) Size :- It is used to change or set the font's size.
3) Style :- It is used to change or set the font's style.
4) Leading :- It is used to set leading between two lines.
5) Export tracking :- It is used to set loose, tight, position at the selected text.
6) Horizontal scale :- It is used to set scale of selected text.
7) Character :- To set font, font style, size and leading etc.
F Go to type menu.
F Click on character. (displays a box)
F You can set font, size, style and leading.
F Click on ok.
8) Indent and tab (Ctrl+I) :- To set the tab in the selected text.
F You should select the text.
F Go to Type menu.
F Click on Indent and Tab (displays a box)
F You can set scale.
F Click on apply.
F Click on ok.
9) Alignment :- It is used to set alignment at in selected word.
F Go to type menu.
F Click on Alignment (displays a pad)
F You should choose options such as align left, justify etc.
Element menu
1) Fill :- To fill the color in the selected oval, polygon and rectangular.
F You should draw an object.
F Go to Element menu.
F Click on fill. (displays a pad)
F You can choose solid paper.
2) Stroke :- To increase and decrease the stroke size.
F You should select line.
F Go to Element menu.
F Click on Stroke. (displays a stroke's pad)
F You should select stroke size.
3) Fill and Stroke :- It is used to set Fill color and Stroke width.
F Go to Element menu.
F Click on Fill and Stroke. (displays a box)
F You can set Fill and Stroke width.
F Click on ok.
4) Arrange :- It is used to arrange the selected object.
F Go to Element menu.
F Click on Arrange. (displays a box)
F You can select any one arrange.
5) Align object :- You can used this option to align the selected object.
F You should select the object.
F Go to Element menu.
F Click on align object. (displays a box)
F You can select position.
F Click on ok.
6) Text wrap :- It is used to wrap the text according to the object.
F You should draw a frame.
F Go to Element menu.
F Click on Text wrap. (displays a box)
F You can select wrap option.
F You can select text flow.
F Click on ok.
7) Group (Ctrl+G) :- You can used this option to group the selected object.
F You should select an object.
F Go to Element menu.
F Click on Group.
8) Ungroup (Ctrl+Shift+G) :- It is used to ungroup the grouped matter.
F You should group it.
F Go to Element menu.
F Click on ungroup.
9) Lock :- It is used to lock the selected object.
F You should select an object.
F Go to Element menu.
F Click on Lock.
10) Unlock :- It is used to unlock the locked matter.
F You should lock the matter.
F Go to Element menu.
F Click on unlock.
10) Mask :- to show the selected part of object.
F You should select an object and image.
F Go to Element menu.
F Click on mask.
Note : a. If you want to insert the page number in page maker You process it
F Go to master page.
F You should drag the area by clicking text toolbar.
F And press Ctrl+Alt+P.
F And go to the main page.
b. How to make pure alignment of your texts when you create a magazine.
F You should select the text layer.
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on edit story.
F Go to utilities menu.
F Click on change. (displays a box)
F You should type /^ in find box.
F You should type ^/ in Change box.
F Click on Find
F Click on change all.
F Go to story menu.
F Click on close story.
THE END !!!!
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