Adobe Photoshop.
v Introduction
:- It is a powerful image processor program developed by Adobe
co-operation. You can use Photoshop plug-ins. It is also advance for web
and Graphic design.
v Pixel :- Pixel are small dots of scan horizontal lines that are illuminated created an image on a monitor.
v Resolution :- It is a Horizontal or Vertical lines produced by monitor.
v Vector image :- It is a created by a numeric value.
v Raster image :- It is created by a pixel.
v Format
:- It is the Photoshop. You can find different types of format. It is
used to keep our creation in different configuration.
Access Photoshop.
F Go to start.
F Click on Run (displays a box)
F You should type "Photoshop" in opened box.
F Click on ok. ( you should get a Photoshop's windows)
F Go to file menu.
F Click on new. (displays a box)
F You can give canvas title.
F You can select size.
F You can set resolution.
F You should set mode such as R.G.B., Grayscale etc.
F Click on ok.
Ctrl + Double Click Photoshop window — New.
Alt + Double Click on Photoshop window — Open.
Shift + Alt + Double Click on Photoshop window — Place.
# Layer :- Layer allows to work in one element or an image without disturbing others.
F Go to window menu.
F Click on Layer.
# To Create Layer.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on new layer.
Tools of Photoshop
ÿ Picture of Photoshop's tools :-
1) Marquee tool :
a) Rectangular Marquee tool.
b) Oval marquee tool.
c) Horizontal marquee tool.
d) Vertical Marquee tool
2) Lasso tool :-
a) Lasso tool :- To select an image.
b) Polygon tool :- To mark an image or object.
c) Magnetic tool :- To select an image by attracting
some color.
3) Magic wind tool :- To select central parts of image.
4) Slice tool :- to slice the selected part of image. It is
for creating webpage.
F You should mark an image by slice tool.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on save as webpage. (displays a box)
F Click on save.
5) Crop tool :- To crop the selected parts of image.
6) Healing brush tool :- To clone the selected parts of image.
F Click on healing brush tool.
F You should select by pressing Alt key.
F You should clone another place.
7) Path tool :- It is used to clone the selected parts of image in the layer.
F Click on path tool.
F You should make an area.
F You should drag marking to clone area.
8) Select tool :- To select the image or object.
9) Brush tool :- It is used to draw and image to define brush.
10) Clone stamp area :- You can used this option to clone the image.
11) Pattern stamp tool :- To create or file the pattern color.
# To Define Pattern :
F You select the image by rectangular marquee tool.
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on pattern define. ( displays a box)
F You should give name.
F Click on ok.
12) Gradient tool :- This option is used to fill more than two colors.
13) Paint bucket :- You can used this option to fill the once color.
14) Blur :- It is used to blur the image.
15) Sharpen :- It is used to Sharp the image.
16) Smudged tool :- It is used to move the color of image.
17) Erase tool :- You can used this option to erase the active image.
18) Background Erase tool :- To erase the background.
19) Magic erase tool :- It is used to erase the matches color at a time.
20) Dodge tool :- It gives brightness in the image.
21) Burn tool : - It makes grayscale to the image.
22) Sponged tool :- It gives darkness in the image.
23) Type tool :- You can used this option to types text in the canvas.
It has 4 options :
a) Horizontal Type tool.
b) Vertical type tool.
c) Horizontal mask type tool.
d) Vertical mask type tool.
# To Curve the text
F You should type in the canvas.
F You should select it.
F Click on text wrap symbol in the option bar. (displays a box)
F You should select style.
F Click on ok.
24) Rectangular :- You can used this tool to insert different types of shape in the canvas.
F You should select different types of shape.
F Click on option bar.
F You can select shape and drag it.
File menu
1) Open as (Ctrl+Alt+O) :- It is used to open the file according to the format.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on open as (displays a box)
F You should choose format such as JPG, PSD etc.
F You should choose file name.
F Click on ok.
2) Place :- You can use this option to place the P.D.F (Portable document format)
F Go to file menu.
F Click on place. (displays a box)
F You can select P.D.F. file.
F Click on ok.
3) Import :- It is used to import the P.D.F. file.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on Import. (displays a pad)
F Click on P.D.F image. (displays a box)
F You can select file.
F Click on open.
4) Automate :-
a) Contact sheet (II) :- It is used to collect the photo in column wise.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on automate. (displays a pad)
F Click on Contact sheet (II) (displays a box)
F You should select source folder by browse.
F You should select image's folder.
F Click on ok2
b) Picture package :- You can use this option to pack the images.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on Automate. (displays a pad)
F Click on Picture package. (displays a box).
F You select file from use box.
F Click on chart box and select file.
F Click on ok.
c) Multi page P.D.F. to P.S.D.:- It is used to convert P.D.F image in to P.D.F. format.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on Automate. (displays a pad)
F Click on Multi page P.D.F. to P.S.D. (displays a box)
F You can select P.D.F. Image.
F You should click on destination choose and you can select place store.
F Click on ok.
d) Web Photogallary :- It creates a gallery of the photos.
F You should collect the photos in a new folder.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on Automate. (displays a pad)
F Click on Web photo gallery. (displays a box)
F You should select source folder.
F You should select Destination to store the folder.
F You should click on option and you can set banner, site name, email, background color, text size etc.
F Click on ok.
Print with preview (Ctrl+P) :- You can used this option to enlarge and
reduce the image size, set border, bleed, screen background etc.
F Go to file menu.
F Click on Print with preview. (displays a box)
F You should select border, bleed, screen, background etc.
F Click on print.
Edit menu :
1) Merge copy (Shift+Ctrl+C) :- it is used to copy the selected image.
F You should copy, paste and select it by marquee tool.
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on Merge copy.
F You should paste again.
2) Paste into (Shift+Ctrl+V) :- It is used to paste the copied image in behind the selection.
F You should do copy or cut the image.
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on paste into.
3) Fed (Shift+Ctrl+F) :- It is used to increase and decrease the opacity.
F You should Clone an image.
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on Fed. (displays a box)
F You can increase and decrease the opacity.
F Click on ok.
4) Free transform (Ctrl+T) :- You can use this option to make image rotate, skew and distort etc.
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on Free transform.
5) Define brush :- You can define the brush.
F You should select an image.
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on define brush. (displays a box)
F You should type name.
F Click on ok.
6) Define Custom Shape :- You cans define different types of custom shape.
F You should create a shape.
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on Define Custom Shape. (displays a box)
F You should type name.
F Click on ok.
Preference (Ctrl+K) :- You can set configuration of Photoshop such as
file handling displays cursor, transparency and units or ruler and
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on Preference. (displays a box)
F You can set configurations as your requirement.
F Click on ok.
Image menu :
1) Mode :- You can change your image mode.
a) Bitmap image :- It converts image in bitmap mode.
b) Grayscale :- It converts image in grayscale mode.
c) R.G.B. (Red, Green and Blue) :- It converts image in R.G.B. Mode.
d) C.M.Y.K (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) :- It converts image in C.M.Y.K. mode.
e) Duotone :- It is used to mix the gray color in an image.
F You should convert image in grayscale mode.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on mode. (displays a pad)
F Click on Duotone. (displays a box)
F You can select color such as monotone, duotone, triton etc.
2) Adjustment :-
a) Levels (Ctrl+L) :- You can set brightness and contrast by level.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on levels. (displays a box)
F You should set channel such as green, blue etc.
F Click on ok.
b) Auto levels (Ctrl+Shift+L) :- It creates color levels automatically.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on Auto levels.
c) Curves (Ctrl+M) :- You can set brightness and contrast to image graph.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Go to curves. (displays a box)
F You can set graph line.
F Click on ok.
d) Color balance (Ctrl+B) :- You can set balance of image color.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on color balance. (displays a box)
F You can set balance value.
F Click on ok.
e) Auto color (Ctrl+Shift+B) :- It creates color automatically in an image.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on Auto color.
f) Auto contrast (Alt+Ctlr+Shift+L) :- It makes an image darkness automatically.
g) Brightness and Contrast :- You can make lighten and darken to the image.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on Brightness and Contrast. (displays a box)
F You can set percentage.
F Click on ok.
h) Hue/Saturation (Ctrl+U) :- It is used to set hue/saturation effect on the image.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on Hue/Saturation. (displays a box)
F You can set hue/saturation percentage.
F Click on ok.
i) Desaturate (Ctrl+Shift+U) :- It makes an image in grayscale.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on Desaturate.
j) Replace color :- You can replace the color through heu/saturation.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on Replace color. (displays a box)
F Click on image.
F You can change or replace the color.
F Click on ok.
k) Selective color :- It is used to select the color from C.M.Y.K.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on selective color. (displays a box)
F You can select the color fro C.M.Y.K.
F Click on ok.
l) Channel mixer :- You can mix the R.G.B. color in the image.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on Channel mixer. (displays a box)
F You can set the mix the color.
F Click on ok.
m) Gradient map :- You can mix the color on the image.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on Gradient map. (displays a box)
F You can choose gradient color.
F Click on ok.
n) Invert :- It makes a color in negative.
o) Equalize :- It gives brightness on the image.
p) Threshold :- It converts the image in black and white.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on Threshold. (displays a box)
F You can set percentage.
F Click on ok.
q) Posterize :- It creates grain position.
r) Variation :- You can change the image effect through the variation.
F Go to Image menu.
F Click on Adjustment. (displays a pad)
F Click on Variation. (displays a box)
F You can mix the color and select it.
F Click on ok.
3) Duplicate :- it makes canvas duplicate.
F Go to image menu.
F Click on Duplicate. (displays a box)
F You should give name.
F Click on ok.
4) Apply Image :- It gives information about the canvas.
5) Calculation :- It is used to count the cannel.
6) Image Size :- It is used to enlarge and reduce the image size.
F Go to Image menu.
F Click on Image size. (displays a box)
F You can set height, width.
F You can set resolution.
F Click on ok.
7) Canvas size :- You can use this option to enlarge and reduce the canvas size.
F Go to Image menu.
F Click on Canvas size. (displays a box)
F You should give height, width number.
F Click on ok.
8) Rotate Canvas :- It is used to rotate the canvas in 900–1800.
F Go to Image menu.
F Click on Rotate canvas. (displays a box)
F You should select the angle.
Blending option
Introduction :- this command is used to set drop shadow, inner shadow,
outer shadow, outer glow, inner glow, bevel and emboss, color overly,
gradient overly and strokes.
ÿ Drop Shadow :- It is used to set the drop shadow in selected option.
F You should type the text by text tool.
F Click on blending option in layer box (f) symbol.
F Click on drop shadow. (displays a box)
F You can choose mode such as normal, darken, lights etc.
F You can set opacity, angle, distance, spread, size and quality through the shadow type.
F Click on ok.
ÿ Inner shadow :- It is used to set the inner shadow in the selected image or text.
ÿ Outer glow :- It is used to set the outer glow in the selected image or text.
ÿ Inner glow :- It is used to set the inner glow in the selected image or text.
ÿ Bevel and emboss :- It is used to set the bevel and emboss in the selected image or text.
ÿ Color overly :- It is used to set color overly in the selected image or text.
ÿ Pattern overly :- It is used to set the Pattern overly in the selected image or text.
ÿ Stroke :- It is used to set the stroke in the selected image or text and you can reduce and enlarge the weight.
1) New :- You can create a new layer.
a) Layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) :- To create a new layer.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on new. (displays a pad)
F Click on New. (displays a box)
F You should give name.
F Click on ok.
b) Layer from background :- You can convert layer into background.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on New. (displays a pad)
F Click on layer from background. (displays a box)
F You should give name.
F Click on ok.
c) Layer set :- It is just like a folder. It keeps our layer in the folder.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on New. (displays a pad)
F Click on Layer set. (displays a box)
F You should give name.
F Click on ok. ( You will get a folder in layer box)
F You can keep your layers in folder by dragging mouse.
2) Duplicate layer :- It creates a duplicate layer from original layer.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on dublicate.
3) Delete :- You can delete the layer set.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on Delete. (displays a box)
F Click on layer.
4) Layer properties :- You can rename the active layer.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on layer properties. (displays a box)
F You should give name to change previous name.
F Click on ok.
5) Layer Style :-
a) Copy layer style :- You can copy the layer style.
F You should set effect such as bevel and emboss.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on layer style. (displays a pad)
F Click on copy layer style.
F Click on paste layer style.
6) Change layer content :- It is used to change the layer adjustment.
F You should set new adjustment layer.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on change layer content. (displays a box)
F You should select an adjustment options and set configuration.
F Click on ok.
7) Layer content option :- It is used to change the configuration of the layer adjustment.
8 Type :-
a) Create work path :- It is used to create path of the text.
F You should type the text.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on type. (displays a pad)
F Click on create work path.
b) Convert to shape :- It is used to convert text into shape.
F You should type text.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on type. (displays a pad)
F Click on Convert to shape.
F Go to edit menu.
F Click on define custom shape.(displays a box)
F Click on ok.
c) Horizontal :- To convert vertical text into horizontal text.
F You should type text in vertical line.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on type. (displays a pad)
F Click on Horizontal.
9) Rasterize :-
a) Shape :- To converts shape into layer.
b) Type :- To converts text into layer.
10) Merge down (Ctrl+E) :- It is used to merge the previous layer.
F You should make more layer.
F Go to layer menu.
F Click on Merge down.
11) Merge Visible (Ctlr+Shift+E) :- It is used to merge all the layer at a time.
F Go to layer.
F Click on merge visible.
1) Inverse (Ctrl+Shift+I) :- It is used to select middle point of image.
F You should click on image bye magic wind tool.
F Go to select menu.
F Click on inverse.
2) Feather (Ctlr+Alt+D) :- It is used to feather's arrange in the image.
F You should make an area by marquee tool to feather image.
F Go to select menu.
F Click on Feather. (displays a box)
F You should give value such as 50, 100, etc.
F Click on ok.
F And press Backspace key to feather the image.
3) Modify :- You can use this option to make border, expand, smooth and contract.
F You should draw an object by marquee.
F Go to select menu.
F Click on Modify.
F Click on border (displays a box)
F You should put value.
F Click on ok.
4) Transform selection :- It is used scale, rotate and skew the selection.
F You should draw area by marquee.
F Go to select menu.
Click on Transform selection.
THE END .........
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