Fundamental of Computer
Introduction :- The computer word occurrence from the contries.
Ø In Greek language is known by "compute".
Ø In Latin language is known by "Computre".
Ø In both means to calculate.
C : - Command.
O : - Operate.
M :- Machine.
P :- Primarly.
U : - Used.
T :- Technology.
E :- Education.
R :- Research.
C.P.U :- Central Processing Unit.
U.P.S : - Un Interrupted Power Supply.
V.D.U :- Visual Display Unit.
Ø What is Computer ?
:- Computer is an electronic device which can works very fast, gives
result with 100 % accurate and having a large store area to store data
and information.
Properties of computer
#Storage capacity
-It has a large storage area for storing huge quantities of data.
-It gives any result with 100% accurate. If any error occurs that is of the usernot of the machine
-It can do simple to complex tasks means. It never futigures. That
means, it performs. The last works with same speed as it first one.
#Working speed
-It works very fast so that is measured as:-
1. 1.millisecond =(1\1000)per second
2. microsecond =(1\1000000)per second
3. nanosecond=(1\1000000000)per second
4. Pico second=(1\1000000000000)per second
#Parts of computer
-It is divided into three parts
1. Input unit or input device
2. Out put unit or output device
3. c.p.u.(central processing unit)
1.Input device:-Those device through we can send data and Information in the computer is called Input devisee-mouse, keyboard, modem etc.
#Parts of Input device:-
· Hard input device:- keyboard, mouse
· Soft input device:-modem
A. .Keyboard :-It has 104-107 keys. The keys are divided into work part
-Functions keys:-F1..............................F12
-Special keys :-windows key,Alt key, Enter, Control, arrow key, backspace key etc.
-Alpha numeric keys:-A to Z and 0 to 9
B. Mouse:-It has two parts but somewhere It can be three parts too. It is used to clicking to open and close the program.
2.Out put device:-The device through which we get any result of the processed work is called out put devisee-printer, monitor, etc.
3.C.P.U. :- The
computer has no brain as it is made by human beings but C.P.U. has been
considered to be the brain of the computer. It controls the all
peripheral of me computer and performs calculation. It has three parts.
1.C.U. – Control unit
2. A.L.U. – Arithmetic of logical unit.
3. MU/ IR- Memory unit/ Internal.
1. C.U. :- It controls the computer system and gives the instruction for doing work.
2. A.L.U.:-
It receives information of old technology with new technology. It is
divided into fourth generation but fifth are to be belived.
# Generation of Computer
1. First generation :-
Time period =1946-1958
Main component of C.P.U. – vacuum tube
Store capacity – very much less
Working speed – very much less
Power consumption – very much high
# Unit of component.
0,1 = 1bit
4bit = 1Nibble
8 Nibble = 1 byte
1024 bytes = 1 kilobytes
1024 k.b. = 1 mega bytes
1024 m.b. = 1 G.B.
1024 G.B. = 1 Terra bytes
# Types of Computer:
A) On the basic of activity.
Computer – The computer which a calculate physical quantity such as
voracity, force, speed, temperature is called Analog computer.
Digital Computer – the computer which accepts or calculates, discreet
data such as number, Alphabet etc is called Digital computer.
Hybrid computer – The computer which accepts or calculates both
physical quantity and digital quantities is called Hybrid computer.
B) On the basis of memory.
1. Micro computer – It is small digital computer. It is also called personal computer.
- It is singe user and single tasking.
- It is memory size up to 256 K.B.
- It is consists of a monitor, mouse, and keyboard.
- It is accept to 10 million instruction per second.
- Uses in education institutes, Business, Army etc.
C) Mini computer – It is powerful and faster than micro computer.
- It is multy user multy tasking.
- It is memory size 1 M.B. – 4 M.B.
- It is accepts 10-30 million instructions per second.
- It is word length is 32 bits.
- About 64- 100 or (50-100) persons can work on this computer.
- Uses – Large project, Research center, institutes etc.
# Main Frame computer:- It is bigger and area powerful than micro and mini computer.
- It is multy user and multy tasking.
- It's memory size 8-32 M.B.
- It is accepts 30-100 million instruction per second.
- About 200 people can work in this computer. It is used to calculate complex data.
- USE – In Airline, Reservation, Railway control.
# Super Computer:- It is very much fast, successful and powerful computer.
- It is accepts 100 to 150 million instruction per second.
- It's word length is 64-100 bites.
- About 200-400 people can work in this computer.
- Uses in weather for casting, Rocket, satellite etc.
Memory :-
is the major properties of the computer. In the memory We can store our
data, programs, and information. The storage is done by small storage
cell or location.
# Type of Memory.
1. Primary
/ main memory :- It is called temporary memory. When power supply is
gone all the data and information lost. These are two types.
a. RAM
( Random Access memory ) :- It is fast volatile memory. Ram is used in
computer to store program or data that are accrued by user. It is
divided in two types of RAM .
i. SRAM ( Static Random access memory )
ii. DRAM ( Dynamic Random access memory)
b. ROM (Read only memory ) :- A memory that can be access but that can't be divided into four kinds.
i. EPROM( Erase programmable Read only memory )
ii. PROM ( Programmable Read only memory)
iii. EEPROM( Electronic Erase Programmable Only memory)
2. Secondary memory :- It is called permanent memory. It is fixed in to the computer. These one divided into 5 types.
i. Floppy disk
ii. Hard disk
iii. Magnetic tape
iv. Magnetic drume
v. Optical disks
i. Floppy disk – Removable storage device is called discate/ floppy disk. It is divided in to two kinds.
a. Mini floppy
- size = 5,
- Storage capacity = 1,2 M.B.
b. Micro computer
- size = 3,
- Storage capacity = 1,4 M.B.
Hard disk :- Hard disk is used store our programe. It may exits in
micro computer. It is fixed storage device for computer. It has very
higher capacity than floppy disk. It is made by smooth metal plates. It
is divided in to two kinds.
i. Internal Hard disk
ii. External Hard disk
Operating System
A program that directs all of me functions of a computer such as
accepting commands from a keyboard. Displaying input data on a monitor
screen and controlling disk, drive, or some peripherals devices.
Every general propose computer must have an operating system that runs other programs.
eg. Windows -98 Windows -200, Windows –xp, Windows Unix, linx, Ms Dos etc.
# Boot :- To initialize a computer by powering it up and leading it's operating system. There are two types of boot.
i. Hot Boot ( Illegal )
ii. Cold Boot ( legal )
Required 3 files for booting.
a. Command com system
b. I/O ( input / output ) system
c. Ms- Dos system
# Windows 98
It is an excellent operating system developed by Microsoft co-operation
of U.S.A. It helps you to communicated between G.U.I. ( Graphic user
# Window :- A rectangular viewing area an monitor/ Where data is displayed .
# Icon :- A graphic symbol that re-present a files or utility is calls icon.
# Folder :- It keeps our files and sub-folders by giving unique name .
@ Double click on My computer .
@ Double ckick on drive C:, D:, E:, any one .
@ Right ckick on blank area .
@ Go to new .(displays a pad)
@ Click on folder .(you will get new folder )
@ You should type folder's name .
@ At last double click on blank area .
Rename :-You can use this option to change the folder's name .
@ Right click on folder .
@ Go to rename .
@ You should type another name.
@ At last double click on blank area .
Delete :- By the help of this option you can delete the folders .
@ Right click on folder .
@ Go to delete .(displays a box )
@ Click on yes .
Search :- You can use this option to search the files or folders of your computer.
@ Go to start.
@ Click on search. (displays a pad)
@ Click on for files or folders. (displays a box)
@ You should choose option.
§ picture, songs, video.
§ All files or folders.
@ You should type files or folder's name.
@ You should choose My Computer from look in box.
@ Click on search. (your files or folder will be search)
program application file name
1 calculater calc
2 character map charmap
3 Ms-paint pbrush
4 Ms-word pad wordpad
5 Ms-word winword
6 Ms-excel excel
7 Ms-power point powerpnt
Run :- It is used to open the program by giving their application file mane.
@ Go to start.
@ Click on run .
@ You should type application file name.
@ Click on ok.
Introduction :- Ms-paint
is a basic image processing program . Developed by Micro soft
co-operation of U.S.A.It helps us to create, edit, view the images.
view menu
1. Tool box :- You can use this option to show or hide the tool bar .
2. Color box:- You can use this option to show or hide the color bar .
@ Go to view menu .
@ Click on tool bar or color box .
3. Text tool bar :- It is used to show or hide the text tool bar .
@ You should choose text tool and draw area.
@ Go to view menu .
@ Click on text tool bar .
Introduction :- Ms-word
pad is a basic word processing program developed by Microsoft
Co-Operation of U.S.A. It helps us to create a simple letter or
Introduction :- Ms-word pad is a basic word processing program developed by Microsoft Co-Operation of U.S.A. It solves our all official tasks.
Tools of Ms-Word.
1) Title bar.
2) Utility Button.
a. Minimize.
b. Maximize.
c. Restore.
d. Close.
3) Menu bar.
4) Stander tool bar.
5) Formatting tool bar.
6) Ruler
a. Horizontal Ruler.
b. Vertical Ruler.
7) Scroll bar.
a. Horizontal Scroll.
b. Vertical Scroll.
8) Drawing bar.
9) Status bar.
10)Task bar.
File menu
New :- It is used to create a new blank document.
@ Go to file menu.
@ Click on new. (Displays a task pane)
@ You should choose blank document.
Save:- You can use this option to store or save your document by giving title.
@ Go to file menu.
@ Click on save. ( Displays a box)
@ You should type files name .
@ You should choose location on save in box.
@ At last click on save.
Open:- It is used to open your created file.
@ Go to file menu.
@ Click on open. (Displays a box)
@ You should choose location from look in box.
@ You should choose files.
@ At last click on open.
Save As:- It makes file duplicate and you can change name or location.
@ Process is same as save.
Page setup:- You can use this option to set margins, orientation and page size.
@ Go to file menu.
@ Click on page setup.(Displays a box)
@ Click on margins tab and set margins number.
Top-0.5 Button-0.5
Left-1 Right-0.5
@ You should choose orientation protect/landscape.
@ Click on page tab and choose A4 size.
@ Click on ok.
@ Click on ignore.
Close :- It is used to close your opened file.
Exit:- It is used to close your opened program.
@ Go to file menu.
@ Click on close/exit.
@ Click on Yes/No.
Cut :- It is used to cut the select matter to product another place.
Copy (Ctrl +c) :- It is used to copied the select matter to product another place.
@ You should select the matter.
@ Go to edit menu.
@ Click on cut or copy.
Paste(Ctrl +v):- You can use this option to product the cut or copied matter.
@ You should place the cursor.
@ Go to edit menu.
@ Click on paste.
Undo(Ctrl +z):- It is used to repeat the preview action.
@ You should do the action.
@ Go to edit menu.
@ Click on undo.
Redo (Ctrl +y):- You can use to repeat the undo action.
@ You should do undo.
@ Go to edit menu.
@ Click on redo.
Select all (Ctrl +a):- It is used to select the whole document.
@ You should place the cursor.
@ Go to edit menu.
@ Click on select all.
Clear:- You can use this option to dele or clear the select text.
@ You should select the text.
@ Go to edit menu.
@ Click on clear del. (Delete)
Find (ctrl +f):- It is used to find the word in your opened document.
@ Go to edit menu.
@ Click on find. (Displays a box)
@ You should type the word in find what box.
@ Click on find next. ( Your word will scare)
Replace (Ctrl +h):- It is used to replace the word in your opened document.
@ Go to edit menu.
@ Click on replace tab. ( Displays a box)
@ You should type the word in replace with box.
@ Click on replace or replace all.
@ At last click on ok, and close.
Go to:- It is used to go to specify page, line, section etc.
@ Go to edit menu.
@ Click on go to.
@ You should type the number.
@ Click on go to.
Normal:- It displays all the matter in viewing size. In this view we cannot view object and identified by under line on first letter.
Web layout:- It displays all the matter in wide size. In this view we cannot view vertical ruler and status bar.
Print layout:- It displays all the matter in print preview. In this view can view all matter at the time.
@ Go to view menu.
@ Click on print layout/normal/web layout.
Ruler:-It is used to hide or unhide the ruler.
@ Go to view menu.
@ Click on ruler.
Toolbar:- It is used to hide or unhide different kinds of toolbar.
@ Go to view menu.
@ Click on toolbar. (Displays a box)
@ You should choose toolbar, such as stander, formatting, drawing.
Header and footer:- You can use this option to set header and footer title in each pages.
@ Go to view menu.
@ Click on Header and footer. (You will get displays header box)
@ You should type header title.
you should press down arrow ( )key. (Displays a footer box)

@ You should type footer title.
@ At last double click on blank area.
Zoom:- This sub-menu is used to reduce or produce the view size.
@ Go to view menu.
@ Click on zoom.(Displays a box)
@ You have to choose zoom percentage 10%, 20%, 100%, 200% and 500% each.
@ Click on ok.
Break:- You can use this option to break a page or column.
@ Go to insert menu.
@ Click on break. (Displays a box)
@ You should choose page break.
@ Click on ok.
Page number:- It is used to set page number in your document.
@ Go to insert menu.
@ Click on page number. (Displays a box)
@ You should choose position.(Top/Button)
@ You should choose alignment. (right, left, center)
@ Click on ok.
Symbol:- It is used to set different kind of symbol.
@ You should place the cursor.
@ Go to insert menu.
@ Click on symbol.( Displays a box)
@ You should choose font. (wedding )
@ You should choose symbol.
@ Click on insert.
@ Click on close.
Text tool bar :- You can use this option to type in the box .
@ Go to insert menu .
@ Click on text toolbar . ( your pointer will change into +sign)
@ You can draw the area and type in the box .
File :- you can use this option to join with two or more files .
@ You should place the cursor .
@ Go to insert menu .
@ Click on file .(displays a box )
@ You should choose location .
@ Click on insert .
Object: - This Submenu is used to link the another program from Ms.Word.
@ You should place the cursor .
@ Go to insert menu .
@ Click on Object .(displays a box )
@ You should choose Program ex:- Bitmap Image. etc.
@ Click on ok. (displays a window)
@ You can do your work as your requirement.
@ Click on close button.
Format menu
Font: - You can use this option to set font, size, color, character space, effect, underline and animation of selected fonts.
ü You should select the fonts.
ü Go to format menu.
ü Click on font. (displays a box)
ü Click on font tab and you can set font, size, color, underline and effects.
ü Click on character space tab and you can set character space by putting percentage value.
ü Click on text effect tab and you can set animation on fonts.
ü Click on ok.
Paragraph :- This submenu is used to set paragraph between two lines.
ü You should select the lines of texts.
ü Go to format menu.
ü Click on paragraph. (displays a box)
ü You can choose paragraph between two lines.
ü Click on ok.
Bullet and numbering :- By the helps of this option is used to set bullet and number in each lines.
ü Go to format menu.
ü Click on bullet and numbering. (displays a box)
ü Click on bullets tab and you can set bullet.
ü Click on number tab and you can set number.
ü Click on ok.
Border and shading :- You can use this option to set border, page border and shading color on each page.
ü Go to format menu.
ü Click on border and shading. (displays a box)
ü Click on border tab and you can set border by choosing line border.
ü Click on page border tab you can set page border by choosing art box.
ü Click on shading tab and you can set shading color on background page.
ü Click on ok.
Column :- By the help of this submenu is used to set column guide as your document.
ü Go to format menu.
ü Click on column. (displays a box)
ü You should choose column guide.
ü Click on ok.
Tab :- You can use this option to set tab stop position.
ü Go to format menu.
ü Click on tab. (displays a box)
ü You should put tab stop position.
ü click on set.
ü Click on ok.
Theme :- This submenu is used to set theme page on each page.
ü Go to format menu.
ü Click on theme. (displays a box)
ü You should choose theme page.
ü Click on ok.
Background :- It is used to set background color as your document.
ü Go to format menu.
ü Click on background. (displays a box)
ü You should choose color.
ü Click on ok.
Tools menu.
Spelling and grammar :- It checks the spelling and grammar of your opened document.
ü Go to tools menu.
ü Click on spelling and grammar. (displays a box)
ü You can check spelling and grammar by suggestion box.
o Click on ignore tab to keep same word.
o Click on replace tab to change the word.
ü Click on ok.
Word count: - You can use this option to count the word of your opened document.
ü Go to tools menu.
ü Click on word count. (displays a box)
ü Now, you can view and count the word.
ü Click on close.
Thesaurus: - This submenu is used to check synonym and antonym word of selected word.
ü You should select the word.
ü Go to tools menu.
ü Click on language. (displays a pad)
ü Click on thesaurus. (displays a box)
ü Now, you can view the synonym and antonym word.
ü Click on close.
Auto summarize: - It creates a summary to story.
ü You should create a story.
ü Go to tools menu.
ü Click on auto summarize. (displays a box)
ü You should choose create a new.
ü You should choose percentage to create summary.
ü Click on ok.
Protect document: - You can use this option to protect and unprotect the document.
ü Go to tools menu.
ü Click on protect document. (displays a box)
ü You should choose forms.
ü You should put password.
ü Click on ok. (displays a box)
ü You should give again same password in renter password box.
ü Click on ok.
Un protect document: -
ü Go to tools menu.
ü Click on unprotect document.
ü You should put protect password.
ü Click on ok.
Table menu
v Draw table :- You can use this option to draw the table by help of pencil tool .
Ø Go to table menu .
Ø Click on draw table . (you will get pencil tool)
Ø You can create the table as your requirement.
v Insert
@ Table :- It is used to create the table by giving row number and column number .
Ø Go to table menu .
Ø click on insert . (displays a pad )
Ø Click on table . (displays a box)
Ø You should put row number and column number .
Ø Click on ok .
@ Column :- By the help of this sub-menu you can insert the new column .
Ø You should place the cursor .
Ø Go to table menu .
Ø Click on insert . (displays a pad )
Ø Click on column right or column left .
@ Row :- This sub-menu is use to insert the new row .
Ø You should place the cursor .
Ø Go to table menu .
Ø Click on insert . (displays a pad )
Ø Click on row right or row left .
v Delete :- You can use this option to delete table, row or column.
Ø You should place the cursor .
Ø Go to table menu .
Ø Click on delete .
v Select :- It is used to select the table, row , or column .
Ø You should place the cursor .
Ø Go to table menu .
Ø Click on select .
v Merge cells :- You can use this option to merge the two or more rows or columns.
Ø You should select the rows or columns .
Ø Go to table menu .
Ø Click on merge cells .
v Split cells :- It is used to insert the new rows or columns .
Ø You should place the cursor .
Ø Go to table menu .
Ø Click on split cells. (displays a box)
Ø You should put rows and columns number .
Ø At last click on ok .
v Split table :- This sub-menu is use to break the table in two parts .
Ø You should place the cursor .
Ø Go to table menu .
Ø Click on split table .
v Table Autoformat :- By the help of this sub-menu you can add ready-made format of table .
Ø Go to table menu .
Ø Click on table autoformat .(displays a box)
Ø You should choose design of table .
Ø At last click on ok .
v Formula :- You can use this option to calculate the two or more numbers .
Ø You should place the cursor .
Ø Go to table menu .
Ø Click on formula . (displays a box )
Ø You should type the formula such as
Ø At last click on ok .
Introduction :- Ms-Excel
is a basic database program developed by Microsoft Co-Operation of
U.S.A. It helps us to create data sheet such as Billing System, Salary
Sheet, Result sheet and much more.
Tools of Ms-Word.
1) Title bar.
2) Utility Button.
i. Minimize.
ii. Maximize.
iii. Restore.
iv. Close.
3) Menu bar.
4) Address bar.
5) Stander tool bar.
6) Formatting tool bar.
7) Global Button.
8) Formula bar.
9) Row heading.
10) Column heading.
11) Ruler
i. Horizontal Ruler.
ii. Vertical Ruler.
12) Scroll bar.
i. Horizontal Scroll.
ii. Vertical Scroll.
13) Drawing bar.
14) Sheet bar.
15) Status bar.
16) Task bar.
Billing System.
| |
Total amount
ü Find out Amount.
= quantity*Rate Ã
ü Find out Discount
o with 10%.
= Amount*10% Ã
o With 10% and 5%
=If(amount>=1000,amount*10%,amount*5%) Ã
o With 10%, 5% and 2%.
=If(and(amount<=1000),amount*10%,if(and(amount<=1000,amount>=500),amount*5%,amount*2%)) Ã
ü Find out Total Amount.
= Amount-Discount Ã
File menu.
v Print Area :- You can use this option to set and clear the print area.
Ø You should select the area.
Ø Go to file menu.
Ø Click on Print area. (displays a pad)
Ø Click on set print area.
Ø Now, You have to look print preview.
§ Clear print area.
Ø Go to file menu.
Ø Click on print area. (displays a pad)
Ø Click on clear print area.
Edit menu.
v Series: - It generates the number automatically.
Ø You should type firs value such as 1 and select it.
Ø Go to edit menu.
Ø Click on fill. (displays a pad)
Ø Click on series. (displays a box)
Ø You should put step to stop value. such as 1 to 20.
Ø You should choose row or column.
Ø Click on ok.
v Across Work sheet: - It is used to pass the selected data in other sheet.
Ø You should select the data.
Ø You should select the sheet by pressing shift key.
Ø Go to edit menu.
Ø Click on fill. (displays a pad)
Ø Click on across work sheet. (displays a box)
Ø You should choose option such as all.
Ø Click on ok.
v Delete Sheet: - This submenu is used to delete the active sheet.
Ø You should select the sheet which you want to delete.
Ø Go to edit menu.
Ø Click on delete sheet.
Ø Click on delete.
v Move or copy sheet: - It makes a sheet duplicate with coping all matter.
Ø Go to edit menu.
Ø Click on move or copy sheet. (displays a box)
Ø You should give tick mark on create a copy.
Ø Click on ok.
View menu.
v Custom View: - This submenu is used to mark the selected value with a name.
Ø You should select the data.
Ø Go to view menu.
Ø Click on Custom view. (displays a box)
Ø Click on add button and type name.
Ø Click on ok.
Insert menu.
v Row/Column :- You can use this option to insert the new row and column on your selected sheet.
Ø You should place the cursor.
Ø Go to insert menu.
Ø Click on Row/Column.
v Worksheet: - This submenu is used to insert the new work sheet.
Ø Go to insert menu.
Ø Click on work sheet.
v Chart: - By the helps of this submenu is used to create a chart according to our data.
Ø You should put value and select it.
Ø Go to insert menu.
Ø Click on chart. (displays a box)
Ø You should choose chart type or sub chart type.
Ø Click on next . (displays a box)
Ø Click on next . (displays a box)
Ø Click on Chart title tab and type chart title.
Ø Click on legend tab and choose legend position.
Ø Click on data label tab and set category name, value and percentage.
Ø Click on finish.
v Function: - You can use this option to sum, max, min and product the value automatically.
Ø You should put value.
Ø You should place the cursor on total cell.
Ø Go to insert menu.
Ø Click on function. (displays a box)
Ø You should choose option [=sum(cell range), =product(cell range) etc]
Ø Click on ok.
Format menu.
v Cells: - This option is used to set number, style, font, color, alignment, border, pattern color etc.
Ø You should select the data.
Ø Go to format menu.
Ø Click on cells. (displays a box)
Ø Click on number tab and choose option such as general.
Ø Click on alignment tab and set alignment.
Ø Click on font tab and set font, style, color, size etc.
Ø Click on border tab and set border by clicking outline and inside tab.
Ø Click on pattern tab and set background color.
Ø Click on ok.
v Row/Column: - It is used to set height, width, hide and unhide the row and column.
Ø Go to format menu.
Ø Click on row/column (displays a box)
Ø You should give row/column value.
Ø Click on ok.
v Sheet:- This submenu is used to rename the active sheet.
Ø You should choose any one sheet.
Ø Go to format menu.
Ø Click on sheet.
Ø You should type another name.
Ø Click on out of area.
v Conditional Formatting: - It is used to format the value according to conditional value.
Ø You should select the value's data.
Ø Go to format menu.
Ø Click on conditional formatting. (displays a box)
Ø You should put between value
Ø Click on format button and set font color and pattern color.
Ø Click on add button to add the conditional formatting.
Ø Click on ok.
Tools menu.
v Goal Seck: - It is used to change the total value by changing any one cell.
Ø You should place the cursor on total cell.
Ø Go to tools menu.
Ø Click on goal seck. (displays a box)
Ø You should give value in value box.
Ø You should give cell address on changing cell.
Ø Click on ok.
v Sceneries: - This option is used to change the total value by changing all cell.
Ø You should select the value except total value.
Ø Go to tools menu.
Ø Click on sceneries. (displays a box)
Ø Click on add tab. (displays a box)
Ø You should type name.
Ø Click on ok.
Ø You should change the recent value.
Ø Click on ok.
Ø Click on show.
Data menu.
v Form: - It is used to add, new, delete and view the record.
Ø You should place the cursor where you want to add the record.
Ø Go to data menu.
Ø Click on form. (displays a box)
Ø You can add, delete and view the record.
v Validation: - You can use this option to set area for entering the number.
Ø You should select blank's area.
Ø Go to data menu.
Ø Click on validation.
Ø You should choose whole number.
Ø You should put minimum to maximum value.
Ø Click on ok .
Introduction: - Ms-Powerpoint
is a basic slide presentation program developed by Microsoft
Co-Operation of U.S.A. It helps us to create, edit and view the slides
in projects.
How to access the PowerPoint
Ø Go to start.
Ø Click on run (displays a box)
Ø You should type "powerpnt" in open box.
Ø Click on ok. (displays a window).
Ø You should choose blank document from taskpan.
Ø Then you have to create and edit the slides one by one.
Ø And you should set the effects, sounds and much more.....
How to add the effect in your slides.
Ø You should select the slide.
Ø Go to view menu.
Ø Click on custom view. (displays a box)
Ø Click on add effect tab and you can set Entrance, Emphasis and exit.
How to view the slide.
Ø Go to slide show menu.
Ø Click on view or press f5 key.
Slide transaction: - It makes a slide automatically and set transaction on slide too.
Ø Go to slide show menu.
Ø Click on Slide transaction. (displays a box)
Ø You have to remove the tick mark from on mouse click.
Ø You have to give tick mark on automatically after.
Ø You should set time.
Ø You have to choose transaction.
Ø Click on ok.
Set up Show: - You can use this option to make a slide in loop condition.
Ø Go to slide show menu.
Ø Click on set up show. (displays a box)
Ø You should give tick mark on "loop continuously after)
Ø You should give tick mark on from option.
Ø Click on ok.
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